Maclolm's story
My name is Malcolm Glennon. My wife, Claire Aris, was unfortunately diagnosed with lung cancer in May 2021. The level of care and speed we received from the NHS Princess Royal Hospital was outstanding, particularly from Senior Nurse Nicky de Lobel. Nicky took nursing and care to another level. Claire built a great level of trust and friendship with Nicky, who made a difficult situation seem a little bit easier.
Although Claire's battle with the disease lasted only seven months, the group Everybreath, then in its early stages, offered her hope, focus, and a sense of community. After Claire's passing, my focus was to keep her memory alive and give something back.
The group helped me and offered great companionship. I focused on fundraising, gaining charitable status, and helping in any way I could. It was a great privilege when Nicky and Nick asked me to be a trustee of the group. Claire would be surprised but very proud of my participation with this worthy group.